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Water Conservation - Rainwater Harvesting in Singapore
Implementing Sustainable Practices for Businesses
Written by: Aaron Cheng, Rachel Lee
Date: 1/7/2022
With a growing population, water demand is expected to almost double by 2060. However, Singapore — the little red dot, has been set on achieving water independence and meeting that demand.
With the lack of natural water bodies, aquifers and insufficient land for water storage, it is no wonder Singapore is considered to be one of the most water-stressed countries in the world. Lack of water security is not something new for Singaporeans.

Water demand is set to double by 2060
Forging a path towards water sustainability
Despite the tall order, Singapore has emerged as a trailblazer in water conservation and has pioneered a path for sustainable water solutions. The government has recognised that diversifying our water sources is critical in managing Singapore’s water supply.
On the smaller scale, we have also witnessed more properties — residential buildings, industrial sites and even farms gradually adopting sustainable technologies like rainwater harvesting systems to better manage their water resources.
" ... businesses should find means and ways to achieve sustainability, both environmental sustainability and long-term business sustainability"
- Wan Loong, Co-founder of Ecoflow
As we move into a digital age, companies and organisations must start adapting and take advantage of these innovative technologies available.
'Tapping on' natural resources
With Singapore receiving an abundance of rainfall annually, businesses should be leveraging on our natural climate to obtain water more sustainably. This is where Ecoflow comes into the picture. Our innovative water technology, coupled with extensive experience in sustainable urban design, aims to help businesses achieve maximum water efficiency.
At Ecoflow, we provide end-to-end design and construction of Rainwater Harvesting Systems, customised and purpose-built to fit your business’s unique needs. The best part about this technology, there's no limitation to how effective it is. Take it as a solar panel harvesting renewable energy — it is portable, effective and sustainable. Likewise, rainwater harvesting areas are not limited to reservoirs, rooftops of buildings are a viable choice as well..
While solar panels capture sunlight, each rainwater harvesting system catches a potential 183 ㎡ of water on average every year (assuming roof area is approximately 17000㎡). In addition to reducing freshwater consumption and lower operating costs, it is an alternative source to channel water in meaningful ways.
These are the 3 main components of our Rainwater Harvesting System:
The fight for conservation of water is not the sole responsibility of our government, businesses (which uses 55% of our current water supply) too have a responsibility.
Businesses should start championing sustainability efforts, aligned with those of the government to help better manage its water resources. By harnessing innovative water-saving technologies like Ecoflow’s Rainwater Harvesting System, water resource efficiency and sustainable economic growth can be achieved.
When we think about water sustainability, it is not just saving on costs; it is also about providing enough for future generations. Let’s not take what we have for granted.
Think Water Sustainability – Think Ecoflow.
Eco-Business. (n.d). Global thirst: A Spotlight On Water In Industry. https://www.eco-business.com/news/global-thirst-a-spotlight-on-water-in-industry/
Public Utilities Board. (n.d.). Singapore Water Story. https://www.pub.gov.sg/watersupply/singaporewaterstory#:~:text=By%202060%2C%20Singapore's%20total%20water,of%20Singapore's%20future%20water%20demand.